Military Service & Awards
Military Service
- 2017 Chief of Orthopaedics 86th Combat Support Hospital-Operation Spartan Shield
- Camp Arifjan, Kuwait
- 2011-2018 Chief of Sports & Shoulder Service Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
- Bethesda, MD
- 2013-2018 Orthopaedic Surgeon Consultant to the White House
- Washington, DC
- 2009-2018 Attending Orthopaedic Surgeon Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
- Bethesda, MD
- 2013-2018 Lieutenant Colonel, US Army Medical Corps
- 2012 Chief Orthopaedic Surgery, Forward Surgical Team 10th Combat Support Hospital
- Shindand, Afghanistan
- 2010-2011 John A Feagin Jr. Sports Medicine Fellowship,
- United States Military Academy, West Point, NY
- 2009 Major, US Army Medical Corps
- 2003-2009 Orthopaedic Surgery Internship/Residency, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
- Washington, DC
- 2003 Captain, US Army Medical Corps
- 1999-2003 Health Services Professions Scholarship, New York University School of Medicine
- New York, NY
- 1999 2nd Lieutenant, US Army Medical Service Corps
- 1995-1999 Reserve Officers Training Corps, Rutgers The State University of New Jersey
- New Brunswick, NJ

Military Awards
- 2018 Meritorious Service Medal
- 2017 Joint Services Achievement Medal
- 2017 Army Achievement Medal
- 2017 Army Commendation Medal
- 2012 Bronze Star-Operation Enduring Freedom
- 2012 Meritorious Service Medal-Afghanistan
- 2012 NATO Defense Service Medal-Afghanistan
- 2012 Afghanistan Campaign Medal
- 2012 US Army Superior Unit Award-10th CSH
- 2011 Army Commendation Medal-Bronze Oak leaf Cluster
- 2011 Joint Commendation Medal
- 2009 Army Commendation Medal
- 2007 Global War on Terrorism Medal
- 2003 US Army Superior Unit Award-Walter Reed Army Medical Center
- 2001 National Defense Service Medal
- 2001 Army Service Ribbon
Academic Awards
- 2017 Master Clinician Award
- Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
- 2015 Associate Masters Clinician Award
- Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
- 2011 Winner, Best Research Paper, Eastern Orthopaedic Association
- Evans KN, Kilcoyne KG, Dickens JF, Rue JP, Giuliani J, Gwinn D, Wilckens J. Predisposing Risk Factors for Noncontact ACL Injuries in Military Subjects
- 2011 Finalist, Robert A. Phillips Research Competition, 3rd National Capital Regional Military Research Competition
- Dickens JF, Kilcoyne KG, Tintle SM, Giuliani J, Schaefer RA, Rue JP. Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis: An Anatomical Study and Evaluation of At-Risk Structures.
- 2011 Runner-Up, Walter Reed Orthopaedics Research Symposium, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
- Dickens JF, Kilcoyne KG, Tintle SM, Giuliani J, Schaefer RA, Rue JP. Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis: An Anatomical Study and Evaluation of At-Risk Structures
- 2007 Resident Research Award, Washington Orthopaedic Society
- Osteochondral Plug Tissue Engineering Using A Novel Hyaluronic Acid-Nonofibrous Scaffold (HANFS) Amalgam